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Helgkurs med Florian och Vanessa

  • Ivra Järntorget 5 Norra Allégatan Västra Götalands län, 413 30 Sweden (se karta)

Kort information på svenska

Föreningen bjuder in till ett helgevent med internationella instruktörer! För att tacka alla våra medlemmar och ge tillbaka till er som dansat in kursavgifter till föreningen kommer vi dessutom att bjuda på halva kostnaden! Ta chansen att gå kurs för två fantastiska dansare och instruktörer, till ett mycket förmånligt pris. Vi har två nivåer på eventet. En lång socialdans för lördagskvällen ingår för alla! Kursen kommer att ges på engelska.

Short information in English

West Coast Nights invites you to a weekend event with international instructors! To thank all our members and give back to those who have paid course fees to the association, we will also cover half of the costs! Take the opportunity to attend courses with two fantastic dancers and instructors at a very favorable price. We have two levels for the event. A long social dance on Saturday evening is included. Course language is English.

PRESENTATION OF Florian & Vanessa

Since the beginning of 2023, Florian and Vanessa have been traveling and teaching together throughout the world. Together they share their enthusiasm for dance and movement. Their diverse dance backgrounds allow them to bring out different aspects of WCS, both on the dance floor and in the classroom. When teaching, they like to impart conceptual content and various "schools of thoughts" that help dance students long-term with their dance progress. Their focus lies on anatomy and continuous movement.


Saturday 1/3 - Level 2

You have learned and feel confident in performing the five basic patterns: left side pass, right side underarm, sugar push, sugar tuck, and whip. You are familiar with and understand the concepts of stretch and compression, and can incorporate them into your dance.

Sunday 2/3 - Level 3-4

You have taken several level 2 courses or have equivalent experience. You are a dedicated West Coast Swing dancer and regularly engage in social dancing. You are ready for more advanced techniques and patterns. At this level, you should be able to perform the basic patterns effortlessly and dance with proper timing. You should feel confident executing moves such as cut-off, slingshot, inside roll, reverse whip, etc.

Schedule - saturday (level 2)

11.45-13.15 Workshop level 2

13.15-14.15 Swedish fika

14.15-15.45 Workshop level 2

20.00-24.00 Social dancing

The social dance on Saturday is included in all the event passes for the weekend!

Schedule - sunday (level 3-4)

11.00-12.30 Workshop level 3-4

13.15-14.15 Swedish fika

13.30-15.00 Workshop level 3-4

Code of Conduct

At the event, West Coast Nights code of conduct applies.


250 SEK per participant per course day. Membership in West Coast Nights is required (100 SEK).

Villkor för bokning och avbokning

Läs gärna igenom föreningens villkor för bokning och avbokning innan du anmäler dig till kursen.

Conditions for booking and cancellation

Please familiarize yourself with the conditions for booking and cancellation before signing up for the course.

Tidigare evenemang: 30 november
West Coast Swing socialdans - Borås 30 november
Senare evenemang: 23 mars
Föreningsdag med årsmöte 2025